Linux Software
Here’s a quick list of recommended/neat Linux software:
- Doom Emacs - text editor
- personal preference, uses vi keybinds
- Firefox - browser
- LibreOffice - office suite
- Ranger - console file viewer
- Thunderbird - emails
- Trackma - anime list manager
- haven’t actually used in a while
- feh - basic image viewer
- mpv - videos
- BorgBackup - deduplicating backup tool
- borgmatic - wrapper for BorgBackup
- coreutils - core utilities
- curl - network requests
- jq - json processor
- ncdu - disk usage analyzer
- restic - more modern deduplicating backup tool
- would recommend over borg nowadays
- rsync - fast incremental file transfer
- scrot - screenshots
- sed - filter text
- wget - file download
- xargs - build + execute commands from stdin
- xdotool - auto clicking and shit
The categories are a bit arbitrary. I didn’t want to list every CLI command ever either, so just included some of the more neat ones.
Let me know if there are any areas I missed, or suggestions where my recommendations are shit, etc.
- Tags:
- Linux